Currently, the cleaning of high-rise structures, such as the Supertrees at
Gardens by the Bay, is costly, labour-intensive, and poses risks to workers.
There are drone-based solutions available but they require highly skilled
drone pilots, which is not ideal due to the potential manpower crunch brought
about by the COVID-19 pandemic, ageing population, as well as the high cost
associated with salary and training of personnel. Hence, in this project, we
designed and prototyped a tethered drone system with a unified easy-to-use
user interface. This enables semi-autonomous aerial-ground collaboration under
one-man control to reduce the cost of manpower, cost of inefficiency, and
safety risks.
Problem Area
Usage of micro aerial vehicles for cleaning and inspection of high-rise
structures with non-planar facades in a built environment.
Current Issues
High risk of height-related accidents and fatalities.
High manpower requirement with operation certification.
High cost of maintenance and training.
The following UAV and UGV would be connected by a tether that would carry power, ethernet, and even water.