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The Next Stage

Team members

Xiao Yiming (ASD), Kenneth Soon Wei Yuan (ISTD), Tan Xuan Rong Vance (ISTD), Zhang Guoxian (ASD), Naomi Marcelle Bachtiar (ASD)


Chong Keng Hua, Jiang Wenchao

Writing Instructors:

Pang Yoke Kian Rachel

Teaching Assistant:

Doreen Steven Mlote

The Next Stage is a fundraising initiative for Esplanade's upcoming Singtel Waterfront Theatre which is slated for completion in 2022. The fundraiser incorporates an innovative and interactive digital experience for donors - Donors who contribute towards our campaign will be able to create a unique virtual memento that will be displayed in an online gallery, serving to commemorate their contributions towards our fundraiser.

Crafting The Donation Experience

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NOTE: Website not live at the moment.




In order to maximise the fundraising impact, the fundraising campaign is proposed to be a one-time event, lasting approximately one month. It should also be tied into an existing event such as Ilights or Singapore Arts Festival to help market it. Fundraising can begin 2 weeks before the selected events, where donors can donate and start to design their artefacts to be displayed online. Meanwhile, the AR exhibition will begin at the same time as the selected event. Overall, the whole campaign will be about 1 month long, ending when the selected event ends.

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In support of:

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The project crafts the donor’s experience carefully by basing it off 4 donation psychology principles: Belief in donation cause, Convenience, Credibility, Fun & Excitement. Revolving around the idea of arts, the fundraiser is framed to focus on interactivity as a way to make donation fun and generate excitement among the public.

Firstly, donors create digital art works through our webpage which will then be displayed using augmented reality technology. The public can then access the AR exhibition space to view these digital art works using their mobile phones. Donation is done through, which provides a credible and secure donation platform.


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student Xiao Yiming Architecture and Sustainable Design
student Kenneth Soon Wei Yuan Information Systems Technology and Design
student Tan Xuan Rong Vance Information Systems Technology and Design
student Zhang Guoxian Architecture and Sustainable Design
student Naomi Marcelle Bachtiar Architecture and Sustainable Design
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